Title: Sid Meier’s Pirates – Gold Plus (Classic) Full PC Game
Genre: Adventure, Simulation
Developer: MicroProse Software, Inc
Publisher: Retroism, Nightdive Studios
Release Date: 1 Jan, 1987
Files Size: Single Link Compressed
Sid Meier’s Pirates – Gold Plus (Classic) PC Game Overview
Hello, my friends! The Golden Age of Buccaneering has returned with pirates, straight from Sid Meier’s mind! Gold!
In quest of brand-new experiences, you’ll wind and turn along the Spanish Main in the seventeenth century.
You will take a group of intrepid explorers into lively harbour towns. And jeopardise your life and treasure while pillaging enemy vessels!
Look for amazing finds! Discover the secrets and hints hidden throughout your journey! Even engage in difficult rescue missions where you must fight your way through hostile waters!
Will you secure your proper historical place? Or will you wind up on a far-off island as a shipwreck? The only place to find the solution is with the daring pirates! Gold.
Key Features:
- Marvel at the wild times of pirates with these gorgeous new VGA/Super VGA graphics and artwork!
- With improved sound features, experience the thunder of a powerful cannon and the ring of intersecting swords!
- Scurvy rogue skewers with improved sword-fighting skills!
- Acquire influence, authority, or even the governor’s daughter’s hand in marriage!
- Destroy the ships of the enemy!
- Discover more coastal communities; each has unique risks.
- contains the first edition of Sid Meier’s Pirates! and extra cheat sheets, a soundtrack, and a map.
System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Processor: 1.0 GHz Processor
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: 100% DirectX compatible graphics
- Storage: 100 MB available space
- Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible card or onboard sound
- OS: Windows 7
- Processor: 1.5 GHz Processor
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 100% DirectX compatible graphics
- Storage: 100 MB available space
- Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible card or onboard sound
Sid Meier’s Pirates – Gold Plus (Classic) PC Game Installation
- Extract/Install the game using setup.
- Fix the game if there is any.
- It’s done. Play your full game!
- Enjoy! 🙂