Title: MIAZMA or the Devil’s Stone Full PC Game
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Private Moon Studios
Publisher: Microïds Indie
Release Date: 2 May, 2018
Files Size: Single Link Compressed
MIAZMA or the Devil’s Stone PC Game Overview
Journalist Jonathan Hunt hails from New York. He had previously gained the reputation of being an expert in riddles after cracking the case of Yoomurjak’s ring. This time, a nuclear physics institute asks him to shed light on a disappearance, but the assignment quickly transforms into a search for a strange meteorite that may have fallen on Earth years ago. What is beneath the stone of the devil? The fact that certain people have been making every effort to obtain it must have a valid cause.
Taking on the role of the protagonist in third-person, you will
-Look into a strange disappearance and look for hints.
– Interpret confidential papers
-Find answers to riddles from the past
-Discover the mysteries of obscure labs of a prestigious scientific organization
-Ask characters in interviews about their experiences and knowledge.
-Use common sense and the rules of nature to get out of difficulty.
Key Features:
- Captivating plot
- Third-person viewpoint
- Scenes from live-action movies
- More than 20 actual places to investigate
- More than 20 roles performed by top-notch actors and vocalists
- A number of riddles and difficult assignments that are seamlessly woven into the story
- Intelligent applications for a range of jobs
- Easy mode includes skip-puzzle features, an optional tutorial, and in-game instructions.
- Conversations that are recorded
System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Intel Core2 Duo / AMD Athlon 64 x2
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB
- Storage: 7 GB available space
MIAZMA or the Devil’s Stone PC Game Installation
- Extract/Install the game using setup.
- Fix the game if there is any.
- It’s done. Play your full game!
- Enjoy! 🙂
Download Links
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