Title: Limbo (v11.01.2023) Full PC Game
Genre: Puzzle, Adventure, Horror, Action, Casual
Developer: Playdead
Publisher: Playdead
Release Date: 2 Aug, 2011
Files Size: Single Link Compressed
Limbo PC Game Overview
Limbo is a metaphor for a state of uncertainty and transition that is frequently portrayed as existing between this life and the next. This enigmatic location appears to be a place where time stands still and spirits wait to be judged or resolved. Limbo, which symbolises the liminality of the human predicament, is a threshold between existence and non-existence found in many religious and philosophical traditions.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 512MB
Hard Disk Space: 150MB
Video Card: 5 years or younger. Integrated graphics and very low budget cards may not work. Shader Model 3.0 required
DirectX®: 9.0c
Limbo PC Game Installation
- Extract/Install the game using setup.
- Fix the game if there is any.
- It’s done. Play your full game!
- Enjoy! 🙂